Purpose: This study tested the hypothesis that some sensory innervatio
n to the lower incisor teeth comes from reentry of the terminal branch
es of the mental nerve through the labial plate of the anterior mandib
le, Patients and Methods: Ten cadaveric heads (20 sides) were dissecte
d and studied to determine whether the mental nerve crossed the midlin
e or reentered the labial plate, Using careful dissection, the most po
sterior branch of the nerve was exposed from its point of emergence at
the mental foramen to its insertions, and any entries into the labial
plate were recorded and photographed, Results: Three of 20 (15%) spec
imens showed unequivocal evidence of nerve reentry into the labial pla
te, Five specimens displayed strong evidence of nerve fibers reenterin
g the plate, but these were too fragile to be dissected through the pe
riosteum without breaking, In 12 of 20 (60%) specimens, there were no
branches identified that reentered the bone plate, Of the eight specim
ens showing evidence for reentry, four had substantial midline crossov
er, Conclusions: The finding that branches of the mental nerve may ree
nter the labial plate to supply the lower incisors explains the phenom
enon of crossover innervation from the contralateral mental nerve and
the fact that a labial infiltration injection will anesthetize the low
er incisor teeth.