Vertebrate animals reproducing without genetic recombination typically
are hybrids, which have large ranges, are locally abundant, and live
in disturbed or harsh habitats. This holds for the hemiclonal hybridog
enetic frog Rana esculenta: it is widespread in Europe and commonly is
found in disturbed habitats such as gravel pits. We hypothesize that
its widespread occurrence may either be the result of natural selectio
n for a single hemiclone acting as a broadly adapted ''general-purpose
'' genotype, or of interclonal selection, which maintains multiple hem
iclones that each are relatively narrowly adapted and perform differen
tly across environments, that is, the Frozen Niche Variation model. We
tested these competing hypotheses using 1000-L outdoor artificial pon
ds to rear tadpoles of the parental species (Rana lessonae [LL] and Ra
na ridibunda [RR]) alone, and each of three hemiclones of Rana esculen
ta (GUT1, GUT2, GUT3) alone, and in mixed hemiclonal populations from
hatching to metamorphosis. Tadpoles of three coexisting hemiclones fro
m, a single natural population (near Gutighausen, Switzerland) were re
ared in both two-and three-way mixtures in equal total numbers at high
and low density. For each species and hemiclone, the proportion of ta
dpoles metamorphosing decreased as the density of tadpoles increased,
with the three hemiclones spanning the range of values exhibited by th
e two parental species. LL and GUT1 tadpoles produced the highest prop
ortion of metamorphs, where;ls tadpoles of RR produced the fewest meta
morphs at both densities. GUT1 tadpoles also produced the largest meta
morphs at low density, GUT2 and GUT3 tadpoles produced smaller metamor
phs than did GUT1 tadpoles at the low density, but the three hemiclone
s did not differ from each other at high density. The parental species
(LL and RR) were: intermediate in metamorphic size to the hemiclones
at low density, but all genotypes converged on a similar size at high
density. Length of the larval period also was affected by density, but
its effect was dependent on genotype. GUT1 tadpoles had the shortest
larval period at the low density, but larval period was longer and not
different between GUT1, GUT3, and LL at high density. RR tadpoles had
the longest larval period at both densities. The most dramatic: resul
ts were that three genotypes (GUT1, GUT2, and RR) maintained rank orde
r and increased days to metamorphosis from low to high density, wherea
s two genotypes (GUT3 and LL) changed rank order and decreased days to
metamorphosis from low to high density. Mixtures of hemiclones in two
-and three-way combinations facilitated the proportion of tadpoles met
amorphosing for GUT1 and GUT2 at both densities, but only at the low d
ensity for GUT3 tadpoles. Results from this experiment are incompatibl
e with the General-Purpose Genotype model as a global explanation of h
ybrid abundance in these frogs. Alternatively, the Frozen Niche Variat
ion prediction of general performance superiority of clonal mixtures r
elative to single clone populations is strongly supported. The data co
nfirm that fitness advantages of hemiclones change, depending on the e
nvironment, such that in temporally and spatially heterogeneous habita
ts like ponds, frequency-dependent selection among hemiclones may prom
ote coexistence in hemiclonal assemblages. Yet, differential dispersal
or colonization ability and historical factors affecting hemiclone di
stribution may also be important in shaping patterns of clonal coexist