This empirical study investigated the relationship between business st
rategy and budgetary usage, given perceived crisis in Latin America. U
sing Miles and Snow's (1978) strategy typology, it was hypothesized th
at the Defender and Reactor strategy usage would be positively associa
ted with Crisis while the Prospector and Analyzer strategy usage would
be negatively associated. Employing LISREL analytic techniques, study
results supported these relationships (although an alternate analysis
supports the possibility that Defenders and Prospectors enact their s
trategy to be consistent with their Crisis perceptions). Further, thou
gh relationships between all strategy types should be related to Budge
tary Usage, results indicated that the only significant relationship w
as between Prospector and Budgetary Usage. Though these results are co
nsistent with the literature and have implications for budgeting pract
ice in Latin America, additional research is needed. (C) 1997 Elsevier
Science Ltd.