We address the problem of constructing the family of (4,4) theories as
sociated with the sigma model on a parametrized family M(zeta) of asym
ptotically locally Euclidean (ALE) manifolds. We rely on the ADE class
ification of these manifolds and on their construction as hyper-Kahler
quotients, due to Kronheimer. By so doing we are able to define the f
amily of (4,4) theories corresponding to a M(zeta) family of ALE manif
olds as the deformation of a solvable orbifold C2/GAMMA conformal fiel
d theory, GAMMA being a Kleinian group. We discuss the relation betwee
n the algebraic structure underlying the topological and metric proper
ties of self-dual four-manifolds and the algebraic properties of nonra
tional (4,4) theories admitting an infinite spectrum of primary fields
. In particular, we identify the Hirzebruch signature tau with the dim
ension of the local polynomial ring R = C[x,y,z]/partial derivative W
associated with the ADE singularity, with the number of nontrivial con
jugacy classes in the corresponding Kleinian group and with the number
of short representations of the (4,4) theory minus four.