Two cases of cutaneous mycobacteriosis in psittacine birds showing fea
therless, non-painful, nonpruritic nodules are described. Histopatholo
gical studies of skin biopsies from both cases demonstrated the presen
ce of a diffuse granulomatous dermatitis with acid-fast organism s ins
ide macrophages, which led to the diagnosis of cutaneous mycobacterios
is. In one case, generalization of the process to internal organs (int
estinal and hepatic serosae) was observed. Mycobacterial organisms cou
ld not be cultured using conventional isolation media (Coletsos and Lo
wenstein-Jensen), but polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique perfor
med on pathological samples from both birds revealed the presence of M
ycobacterium genavense. It is thus proposed that cutaneous mycobacteri
osis infections, in particular those caused by M. genavense, should be
included in the differential diagnosis of skin nodular processes in p
sittacine birds. The usefulness of PCR techniques for aetiological dia
gnosis of mycobacterial infections is emphasized.