The World Wide Web provides a unique opportunity to reconsider how the
results of scientific studies can, best be presented to clinicians. F
or decades statisticians, philosophers, medical investigators, and oth
ers interested in data analysis have assumed that the Bayesian paradig
m is the proper approach for reporting the findings of scientific anal
yses for use by client computers and readers. At the heart of that app
roach is the inclusion of the reader's preexisting knowledge and belie
fs. Yet, to date, the methods for inclusion have been too complicated
for non-statisticians to use. We believe that the World Wide Web provi
des an ideal environment for putting the Bayesian paradigm into practi
ce: the author publishes the data from the server side, the reader use
s the client to represent her or his prior belief, and a downloaded pr
ogram (a Java applet) combines the two. This article describes a proto
type implementation for two-arm clinical trials with normally distribu
ted outcomes.