A new conceptual model for soil pore-solid structure is formalized. So
il pore-solid structure is proposed to comprise spatially abutting ele
ments each with a value which is its membership to the fuzzy set ''por
e,'' termed porosity. These values have a range between zero (all soli
d) and unity (all pore). Images are used to represent structures in wh
ich the elements are pixels and the value of each is a porosity. Two-d
imensional random fields are generated by allocating each pixel a poro
sity by independently sampling a statistical distribution. These rando
m fields are reorganized into other pore-solid structural types by sel
ecting parent points which have a specified local region of influence.
Pixels of larger or smaller porosity are aggregated about the parent
points and within the region of interest by controlled swapping of pix
els in the image. This creates local regions of homogeneity within the
random field. This is similar to the process known as simulated annea
ling. The resulting structures are characterized using one-and two-dim
ensional variograms and functions describing their connectivity. A var
iety of examples of structures created by the model is presented and c
ompared. Extension to three dimensions presents no theoretical difficu
lties and is currently under development.