Adenoviruses have been detected in raw sewage throughout the world and
are associated with a number of human illnesses but their occurrence
and pathogenicity have not been well studied. A risk assessment approa
ch was used to determine their significance as a waterborne pathogen.
There are 47 types of adenoviruses and the diseases resulting from inf
ections include conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, acute and chro
nic appendicitis, exanthematous disease, bronchiolitis, acute respirat
ory disease, and gastroenteritis (types 40 and 41). Adenovirus is cons
idered to be only second to rotavirus in terms of its significance as
a pathogen of childhood gastroenteritis. Adenovirus infections are usu
ally acute and self-limiting with a greater severity of illness occurr
ing in the immunocompromised (e.g. AIDS patients and transplant recipi
ents). They are reported to be more resistant to inactivation by UV th
an enteroviruses and are sometimes detected at higher levels in pollut
ed waters. There are documented outbreaks of conjunctivitis due to ade
novirus types 3 & 4 associated with swimming in contaminated recreatio
nal waters. Based on the data obtained from human dose-response studie
s, the exponential model [P-i = 1 -exp(-rN); r = 0.4172] was chosen fo
r this risk assessment. Annual risks of infection in drinking water fo
r adenovirus at average levels of 1/1,000L to 1/100L ranged from 8.3/1
0,000 to 8.3/1,000, respectively. Using monitoring data from a recreat
ional water, risks were calculated to be as high as 1/1,000 for a sing
le exposure. (C) 1997 IAWQ. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.