Radiocarbon dating of marine, lacustrine or terrestrial biogenic depos
its is the main technique used to determine when deglaciation of the e
ases of East Antarctica occurred. However, at many of the eases of Eas
t Antarctica, including the Schirmacher Oasis, Stillwell Hills, Amery
Oasis, Larsemann Hills, Taylor Islands and Grearson Oasis, snow and ic
e presently forms extensive blankets that fills valleys and some lake
basins, covers perennial lake ice and in places overwhelms local topog
raphy to form ice domes up to hundreds of square kilometres in area. F
ield observations from Larsemann Hills and Taylor Islands suggest that
under these conditions, terrestrial and lacustrine biogenic sedimenta
tion is neither widespread nor abundant. If similar conditions prevail
ed in and around the eases immediately following retreat of the ice sh
eet, then a lengthy hiatus might exist between deglaciation and the on
set of widespread or abundant biogenic sedimentation. As a result, rad
iocarbon dating might be a clumsy tool with which to reconstruct degla
ciation history, and independent dating methods that record emergence
of the hilltops from the continental ice must be employed as well.