We compare the weakly inhomogeneous BCS-model of a previous investigat
ion with a weak perturbation of a symmetrized Hubbard model in the pai
r formalism on the homogeneous lattice. In terms of our operator algeb
raic discussion we prove the existence of unique limiting Gibbs states
at fixed particle density (and temperature) for both models (which gu
arantees physical equivalence of the large finite models with their th
ermodynamic limit), A close similarity of the condensate structure bet
ween the two models is made explicit, especially the appearance of two
critical densities. This likeness manifests itself also in the derive
d self-consistency equations for the momentum resp. position dependent
, complex gap parameters. The results on a stable gap and macroscopic
phase are thus transferable from the BCS- to this Hubbard model. Only
the localization of the condensate of the Hubbard model at zero moment
um bears some resemblance to the Bose-Einstein condensation.