The prediction of the hydrocarbon potential of a specific trap or of a
number of specific traps (venture), referred to herein as prospect ap
praisal, concerns a probabilistic exercise based on the quantification
of geology in terms of structural closure, reservoir quality, hydroca
rbon charge, and the retention potential of the seal. Its objectives i
nclude: (a) prediction of the hydrocarbon volumes that could be presen
t in the trap from an analysis of its geologic attributes; (b) the amo
unt of uncertainty introduced in the volumetric prediction by the unce
rtainties in the subsurface geology; (c) the risk that one or more of
the essential attributes of the prospect are underdeveloped and recove
rable reserves are absent. The uncertainty of the geologic input requi
res a probabilistic approach, for which the Monte Carlo procedure is w
ell suited. Prospect appraisal forms the basis for decision-making in
oil exploration and development and, therefore, should be reliable, co
nsistent, and auditable. This requires the use of a consistent methodo
logy, the development of reliable models to quantify the geologic proc
esses involved, and the collection of comprehensive and relational dat
abases for the many geologic variables. As a result of data availabili
ty, uncertainty and risk tend to increase strongly from mature, produc
ing basins to areas of frontier exploration. This may complicate manag
ement of exploration portfolios.