The authors of the article give the conclusions of a performance trial
with hybrid progenies bred in the Cote-d'Ivoire, set up in 1984 near
Sinnamary (French Guiana). The statistical design of the trial was tot
al tree by tree randomization at a rate of fifty trees per family. The
following parameters were studied : mortality (after planting and in
adult trees), young tree growth, jorquetting, adult vigour, yield prec
ocity, yield potential, losses caused by rots, flowering, fruit-set, p
od filling and technological qualities of the cocoa produced. Comparis
ons with material of the same origin, in trials in the Cote-d'Ivoire o
r Vanuatu, revealed low mean potential yields (802 kg/ha/year of dry c
ocoa over seven harvests), though higher than those of local controls.
This could be explained by too high a planting density, exacerbating
competition and reflected in an unusually strong link between adult vi
gour and yields. Jorquetting was rapid and vigour good, whereas the te
chnological characteristics were similar to those observed in the Cote
-d'Ivoire. Nevertheless, this material was statistically more suscepti
ble to rot diseases than the local controls. On the whole, the results
provide further information on cocoa tree performance in French Guian