Aa. Varfolomeev et Tv. Yarovoi, ENHANCEMENT OF ELECTRON SPONTANEOUS RADIATION PER UNIT UNDULATOR LENGTH WITH NOVEL MULTICOMPONENT UNDULATOR SCHEME, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 393(1-3), 1997, pp. 393-397
A novel multicomponent undulator scheme is proposed which has new elem
ents inserted between the undulator sections. Such elements induce som
e delay of a radiation wave packet with respect to the radiating elect
ron. It is shown particularly that for the case of n section undulator
n-fold enhancement of the spontaneous radiation along the undulator a
xis can be obtained in comparison with the radiation intensity of a un
iform device composed of the same undulator sections without the inter
section gaps.