M. Marsi et al., 2 COLOR EXPERIMENTS COMBINING FREE-ELECTRON LASER AND SYNCHROTRON-RADIATION, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 393(1-3), 1997, pp. 548-551
We present the results of the first two color experiment coupling FEL
and Synchrotron Radiation, where the SuperACO FEL was used to photoexc
ite carriers at semiconductor surfaces and the consequently induced su
rface photovoltage was studied with soft X-ray photoemission spectrosc
opy. Thanks to the subnanosecond temporal resolution and high surface
sensitivity of our experimental setup, we were able to measure for the
first time the effect of surface states on band bending dynamics. Bas
ed on our direct experience during these experiments, and on the futur
e developments related to other two color experiments proposed on Supe
rACO, we will discuss the advantages and the technical aspects of this
mode of operating the storage ring and the FEL.