The North Sea Lg blockage for wave paths across crustal graben structu
res is a well-established observational fact. Analysis of such observa
tions implies that Lg blockage takes place in graben areas associated
with sedimentary basin formation and crustal thinning. These intriguin
g observations have triggered many theoretical studies aimed at highli
ghting specific Lg loss mechanisms, albeit so far with only moderate s
uccess. Our approach to this problem is to simulate seismic wavefield
propagation through the crustal waveguide using 2-D finite-difference
techniques. The graben structures are known in detail from oil explora
tion works in the North Sea, which has enabled us to use realistic cru
stal models in our Lg synthetics. In the most extreme model tested, th
e crystalline crust thickness beneath the graben amounted to only 5 km
, while the overlying sedimentary pile is nearly 10 km thick. At the b
ase of the crust in the graben area the Moho is elevated nearly 10 km.
This model has similarities to the oceanic crustal waveguide, where.
total Lg blockage is claimed for path lengths exceeding 100 km. The sy
nthetic wavefields are displayed in terms of snapshots, semblance velo
city analysis and time-space rms amplitudes. The dominant structural L
g loss mechanisms are the delay of the Lg waves in the thick sediments
, Lg-to-Rg conversions (scattering) by lateral heterogeneities in the
sediments, and S-wave leakage out of the crustal waveguide and into th
e upper mantle. A fraction of these upper-mantle S waves return to the
crust and appear as Sn coda. Observationally, strong Sn phases of lon
g duration are often associated with weak Lg phases and vice versa. Ou
r synthetics produced Lg amplitude decay amounting at most to 6-10 dB,
while observational data imply blockage amounting to 15-20 dB. The la
tter is equivalent to a Pn-Lg magnitude difference of nearly one magni
tude unit. The main outcome of this study is therefore that Lg-wave pr
opagation is very robust and that a dominant blockage effect associate
d with intrinsic attenuation, that is Q values of the order of 100 at
2 Hz for a path length of minimum 100 km, is necessary to conform to o