The clinical significance of antichlamydial antibodies (Chlam Ab) was
determined in a total of 1303 subfertile couples consulting for infert
ility investigation and treatment. Median age of the women was 30 (ran
ge 22-44) years and of the men 33 (range 21-53) years. The median dura
tion of infertility was 4 (range 1-21) years. All patients were asympt
omatic for genital tract infection. A comprehensive infertility invest
igation included examination of the endocrine, cervical, and tubal fac
tor, and semen analysis, antisperm antibody (ASA) testing, sperm-mucus
interaction testing in vitro a standardized protocol, and post-coital
testing (PCT). Screening for Chlam IgG Ab was performed in serum of b
oth partners, obtained at the same time. Simultaneous microbial cultur
es in genital secretions of both partners included a broad spectrum of
potentially pathogenic bacteria. Elevated titres of Chlam IgG Ab as s
eromarker for previous infection were found in 20.8% of all women, and
in 12.6% of men. Chlam Ab were significantly more frequent in partner
s of seropositive patients (in 51.8% of women with a Chlam Ab positive
partner, compared to 15.8% of the other women). Microbial screening o
utcome was not significantly related to results of chlamydial serology
in both partners. In women, elevated titres of Chlam Ab were signific
antly associated with a tubal factor, but were not related to reduced
quality of the endocervical mucus (CM), including the in-vitro penetra
bility of the CM (using partners' or donors' spermatozoa). In males, C
hlam Ab were not significantly related to the outcome of semen analysi
s, including screening for ASA (IgG and/or IgA) in semen, and several
parameters of sperm functional capacity. After exclusion of couples wi
th tubal disease, subsequent male fertility did not significantly diff
er in males with or without Chlam Ab. The results suggest that during
basic infertility investigation, positive chlamydial serology as an ea
sy screening procedure indicates a higher risk for a tubal infertility
factor. However, in asymptomatic patients, Chlam IgG Ab in serum are
not associated with a cervical factor or with the male factor, using s
everal determinants for evaluation of semen quality including subseque
nt fertilizing capacity.