Achieving efficiency and performance goals of advanced aircraft and in
dustrial systems is leading designers to implement high-temperature ma
terials such as ceramics and intermetallics. Generally, these advanced
materials are applied selectively in the highest temperature sections
of the engine system, including the combustor and high-pressure turbi
ne sections, among others, Thermal strains that result in attaching th
e low expansion-rate components to high expansion-rate superalloy stru
ctures can cause significant life reduction in the components, Seals a
re being designed to both seal and serve as compliant mounts, allowing
for relative thermal growths between high-temperature, but brittle, p
rimary structures and the surrounding support structures. Designers re
quire high-temperature, low-leakage, compliant seals to mitigate therm
al stresses, and to control parasitic and cooling airflow between stru
ctures. High-temperature braided rope seals are being developed in it
variety of configurations to help solve these problems. This paper wil
l describe the types of seals being developed, describe unique test te
chniques used to assess seal performance, and present leakage dow data
under representative pressure, temperature, and scrubbing conditions,
Feasibility of the braided rope seals for both an industrial tube sea
l and a turbine vane seal application is also demonstrated.