Macroscopic models for the equilibrium of a three-component electroneg
ative gas discharge are developed. Assuming the electrons and the nega
tive ions to be in Boltzmann equilibrium, a positive ion ambipolar dif
fusion equation is derived. Such a discharge can consist of an electro
negative core and may have electropositive edge regions, but the elect
ropositive regions become small for the highly electronegative plasma
considered here. In the parameter range for which the negative ions ar
e Boltzmann, the electron density in the core is nearly uniform, allow
ing the nonlinear diffusion equation to be solved in terms of elliptic
integrals. If the loss of positive ions to the walls dominates the re
combination loss, a simpler parabolic solution can be obtained. If rec
ombination loss dominates the loss to the walls, the assumption that t
he negative ions are in Boltzmann equilibrium is not justified, requir
ing coupled differential equations for positive and negative ions. Thr
ee parameter ranges are distinguished corresponding to a range in whic
h a parabolic approximation is appropriate, a range for which the reco
mbination significantly modifies the ion profiles, but the electron pr
ofile is essentially flat, and a range where the electron density vari
ation influences the solution. The more complete solution of the coupl
ed ion equations with the electrons in Boltzmann equilibrium, but not
at constant density, is numerically obtained and compared with the mor
e approximate solutions. The theoretical considerations are illustrate
d using a plane parallel discharge with chlorine feedstock gas of p =
30, 300 and 2000 mTorr and n(eO) = 10(10) cm(-3), corresponding to the
three parameter regimes. A heuristic model is constructed which gives
reasonably accurate values of the plasma parameters in regimes for wh
ich the parabolic profile is not adequate.