Using variable temperature scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM), we st
udied the ordering processes on thiol-covered Au(111) surfaces at both
the mesoscopic and microscopic scale. Because of the chemical erosion
accompanying the self-assembly process, thiol-covered gold surfaces p
resent small depressions, a few nanometres in size and one gold layer
in depth. These defects can be healed by heating the monolayer up to 3
50-370 K. By performing isothermal STM measurements at elevated temper
ature (320-360 K), we followed the growth kinetics of the holes. The v
acancy islands are found to coarsen by an Ostwald ripening mechanism,
The molecular ordering of the thiol monolayers was also studied. The c
oexistence of several stable molecular conformations at room temperatu
re was revealed. The well-ordered molecular domains extend over 100-20
0 Angstrom. The dominant domain configurations contain two superstruct
ures with four molecules per unit cell. The origin of the STM image co
ntrast is discussed.