Coordinate atypical representation of the orthosymplectic superalgebra
osp (2/2) in a Hilbert superspace of square integrable functions cons
tructed in a special way is given, The quantum nonrelativistic free pa
rticle Hamiltonian is an element of this superalgebra which turns out
to be a dynamical superalgebra for this system. The supercoherent stat
es, defined by means of a supergroup displacement operator, are explic
itly constructed. These are the coordinate representation of the known
atypical abstract super group OSp (2/2) coherent states. We interpret
obtained results from the classical mechanics viewpoint as a model of
classical particle which is immovable in the even sector of the phase
superspace and is in rectilinear movement (in the appropriate coordin
ate system) in its odd sector. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.