We consider a diffusive coupled map lattice (CML) for which the local
map is piecewise affine and has two stable fixed points. By introducin
g a spatio-temporal coding, we prove the one-to-one correspondence bet
ween the set of global orbits and the set of admissible codes. This re
lationship is applied to the study of the (uniform) fronts' dynamics.
It is shown that, for any given velocity in [-1, 1], there is a parame
ter set for which the fronts with that velocity exist and their shape
is unique. The dependence of the fronts' velocity on the local map's d
iscontinuity is proved to be a Devil's staircase. Moreover, the linear
stability of the global orbits which do not reach the discontinuity f
ollows directly from our simple map. Far the fronts, this statement is
improved and as a consequence, the velocity of all the propagating in
terfaces is computed far any parameter. The fronts' are shown to be al
so nonlinearly stable under some restrictions on the parameters. Actua
lly, these restrictions follow from the co-existence of uniform fronts
and non-uniformly travelling fronts for strong coupling. Finally, the
se results are extended to some C-infinity local maps.