The characteristic sizes of perovskite ferroelectrics have been examin
ed by mean-field theory in a three dimensional base, leading to a deta
iled evaluation of the ultimate limits of physical sizes in nanostruct
ured ferroelectrics with the stable polar phase in situations where th
e influence of depolarizing field can be neglected. Consequently, the
dielectric susceptibility of nanostructured ferroelectrics is also der
ived for a three dimensional case. The size dependencies on the phase
transition temperatures of perovskite ferroelectris, such as BaTiO3, P
bTiO3: and Pb(Zr0.5Ti0.5)O-3, are calculated by considering crystallog
raphic anisotropy. In addition we have numerically evaluated the diele
ctric coefficient of Pb(Mg, Nb)O-3 near the Curie temperature range ba
sed on its microstructure.