Lymphangioma (LA) is a rare benign tumour of the lymphatic tissue, mos
t common in the neck and head, and clinically manifests itself mostly
in childhood, Within this group, intra-abdominal and retroperitonal LA
are the rarest tumours, especially when occurring in adults, We repor
t four LAs localized in the retroperitoneum of patients aged between 2
8 and 72 years, One of these tumours infiltrated the transverse mesoco
lon and greater omentum, others were situated in the left retroperiton
eum and retroperitonally at the duodeno-jejunal flexure, and in the re
trosplenal and retropancreatic area, Diagnosis was made by light micro
scopy supported by immunohistochemistry. In three cases the tumour cou
ld be removed by radical surgery and none of these patients had a recu
rrence (median follow-up time: 4years), The tumour could not be remove
d completely from one patient with pre-operative chylascos, Six months
after diagnosis of LA this patient died of cardiopulmonary failure du
e to progressive tumour chylascos, Isolation and ligation of the cysti
c LA's peduncle as well as ligation of lymph channels can prevent recu
rrences and chylascos.