Berlin and Kay (1969) suggest that languages have a maximum of 11 basi
c color terms. Russian may be an exception in that it appears to have
twelve basic color terms, including two for the blue region of color s
pace. We report a study of Russian color terms, which was carried out
to establish the inventory of basic color terms as a test of Berlin an
d Kay's theory and to clarify the status of the two blue terms. A larg
e representative sample of speakers of Russian performed two tasks: a
list task (77 subjects) and a color-naming task (54 subjects). The res
ults from the two tasks converge to indicate that Russian does indeed
have twelve basic color terms including the two terms for blue. In add
ition, plotting the Russian terms in color space and comparing the res
ults with similar work on English allows us to define certain Russian
terms more accurately than has been the case previously.