Understanding the basic plasmasphere erosion/recovery cycle remains a
major, as yet largely unmet, challenge to the space science community.
We do not yet have a description of the formation of a new plasmapaus
e boundary, nor have we been able to map the evidently complex electri
c fields that develop at subauroral latitudes during the process of pl
asmasphere erosion. Density structure regularly observed in the plasma
pause region suggests that instabilities play an as yet unassessed rol
e in the erosion/recovery cycle. Electron density interior to a newly
formed plasmapause boundary tends to be reduced by factors of up to 3
in association with the erosion process, so that refilling during reco
very occurs there as well as in the more deeply depleted plasmatrough
region beyond. The number of electrons lost from this interior region,
apparently through interchange with the ionosphere, can be of order 5
0% of the number lost from beyond the new boundary through flow perpen
dicular to B. Evidence has been found that of order 20% of the plasma
removed from the main plasmasphere during an erosion event remains in
the outer afternoon-dusk magnetosphere for extended periods. It is not
yet known whether eroded plasmas entering the Earth's boundary layers
make a geophysically important contribution to the plasma sheet. New
insights into these and other important questions await both future ph
oton and radio imaging of the plasmasphere from high altitude as well
as continued work with certain excellent, as yet only partially exploi
ted, satellite data sets.