This paper addresses two methodological and theoretical questions rela
ting to the Cognitive Interview (CI), which previous research has foun
d to increase witness recall in interviews. (1) What are the effects o
f the CI mnemonic techniques when communication techniques are held co
nstant? (2) How do trained interviewers compare with untrained intervi
ewers? In this study, witnesses (college students) viewed a short film
clip of a shooting and were questioned by interviewers (research assi
stants) trained in conducting the CI or a Structured Interview (SI) si
milar to the CI except for the ''cognitive'' components-or by untraine
d interviewers (UI). The CI and SI groups recalled significantly more
correct information compared to the UI group. However they also report
ed more errors and confabulated details. Theoretical and practical imp
lications of the results are discussed in terms of precisely identifyi
ng the CI facilitatory effects and consequent good practice in the for
ensic setting.