As the easiest experimental approach, GMR (Giant Magnetoresistance) is
usually measured using the Current in Plane (CIP)-GMR. The spin-valve
transistor has previously been presented as a spectroscopic tool to m
easure Current Perpendicular to the Planes (CPP)-GMR. Hot electrons cr
oss the magnetic multilayer base quasi-ballistically and the number re
aching the collector depends exponentially on the perpendicular hot el
ectron mean free path. Collector current changes of 390% at 77K have a
lready been measured. Apart from the substantial fundamental value, su
ch properties may be useful for sensor applications. The electron ener
gy range fills the gap between the Fermi surface transport in resistan
ce measurements and other hot electron techniques such as spin polaris
ed electron energy loss spectroscopy (SPEELS). The preparation problem
of the spin-valve transistor and metal base transistor structures in
general, the deposition of a device quality semiconductor on top of a
metal, has now been tackled by bonding of two semiconductor substrates
during vacuum deposition of a metal: an excellent bond is achieved at
room temperature. TEM photos show a continuous buried metal film. Apa
rt from preparation of various metal base transistor like structures,
many other fields may benefit from this new technique.