C. Mourerchauvire et al., MASCARENTUS NOV-GEN (AVES, STRIGIFORMES), EXTINCT ENDEMIC GENUS FROM THE MASCARENE ISLANDS, AND M-GRUCHETI N-SP, EXTINCT SPECIES FROM LA-REUNION, Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. Serie 2, Mecanique, physique, chimie, sciences de l'univers, sciences de la terre, 318(12), 1994, pp. 1699-1706
The extinct owls from the Mascarene Islands can be ascribed to a disti
nct genus, Mascarenotus, probably derived from the genus Otus. Commers
on's Scops Owl, from Mauritius, known from a description and a drawing
, corresponds to the same taxon as ''Strix'' sauzieri, described from
fossil bones. The bone remains recently found in La Reunion are ascrib
ed to a new species, M. grucheti. The genus Mascarenotus shows a strik
ing parallelism with the extinct genus Grallistrix, from the Hawaiian