Generalized membrane solutions of D = II supergravity, for which the t
ransverse space is a toric hyper-Kahler manifold, are shown to have II
B duals representing the intersection of parallel 3-branes with 5-bran
es whose orientations are determined by their Sl(2; Z) charge vectors.
These IIB solutions, which generically preserve 3/16 of the supersymm
etry, can be further mapped to solutions of D = II supergravity repres
enting the intersection of parallel membranes with any number of fiveb
ranes at arbitrary angles. Alternatively, a subclass (corresponding to
non-singular D = 11 solutions) can be mapped to solutions representin
g the intersection on a string of any number of D-5-branes at arbitrar
y angles, again preserving 3/16 supersymmetry, as we verify in a speci
al case by a quaternionic extension of the analysis of Berkooz, Dougla
s and Leigh. We also use similar methods to find new 1/8 supersymmetri
c solutions of orthogonally intersecting branes. (C) 1997 Elsevier Sci
ence B.V.