The time evolution of dust particles in circumstellar disk-like struct
ures around protostars and young stellar objects was investigated. For
the first time, we coupled the dust evolution directly to the evoluti
on of the disk and followed the influence of opacity changes due to co
llisional aggregation on the dynamics of the disk. For that purpose, w
e numerically simulated the dynamical evolution of a turbulent protopl
anetary accretion disk described by a time-dependent one-dimensional (
radial) ''alpha'' model. Within this model, the growth of dust grains
due to coagulation was calculated by solving numerically the non-linea
r Smoluchowski equation. As physical processes leading to relative vel
ocities between the grains, Brownian motion, turbulence, and drift mot
ion were taken into account. In contrast to other studies, we especial
ly considered particle-cluster agglomeration (PCA) as growth mode but
also included cluster-cluster agglomeration (CCA) into our considerati
ons. For time periods of 100 years and disk radii up to 100 AU, the ma
ss distributions of coagulated dust grains were calculated. From these
mass spectra, we determined the corresponding Rosseland mean dust opa
cities. The variations of the dust grain opacity drive changes in the
energetic structure of the protoplanetary disk which again influences
the accretion process itself. Our results show three evolutionary stag
es of the PCA process. For CCA particles, there is no dust growth afte
r the disappearance of the smallest grains. The different characterist
ic timescales for the coagulation at different radii result in the res
tructuring of the dust region of the protoplanetary disks. Significant
changes in the thermal and optical structure of the disk occur.