Y. Hong et al., ESTIMATION OF MONTHLY RAINFALL OVER OCEANS FROM TRUNCATED RAIN-RATE SAMPLES - APPLICATION TO SSM I DATA/, Journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology, 14(5), 1997, pp. 1012-1022
A physical-statistical monthly rainfall retrieval algorithm has been d
eveloped using multichannel brightness temperatures from the Special S
ensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I). Since an emission-based retrieval algo
rithm gives the most physically direct estimation of rainfall over oce
ans, instantaneous rain rates are retrieved using brightness temperatu
re-rain rate (T-R) relationships derived from a radiative transfer mod
el. The retrieved rain rates, however, are only reliable and useful ov
er a portion of a whole dynamic range of rain rate due to limitations
of the emission-based algorithm. When monthly rainfall in a 5 degrees
x 5 degrees box is estimated, the instantaneous rain-rate samples are
actually truncated. The method used in this study assumes that monthly
rainfall intensity in a 5 degrees x 5 degrees box has a mixed lognorm
al distribution. Thus, the contribution of the rain rates outside of t
he dynamic range can be estimated by extrapolation. Coefficients of th
e mixed lognormal distribution are determined by fitting the truncated
rain-rate samples to the lognormal form using a maximum likelihood es
timate method. The beamfilling error is corrected by a multiplicative
factor generated from simulation studies. Comparison between the month
ly rainfall estimated from the SSM/I and Pacific atoll data indicates
that the algorithm works very well in tropical areas. Although this al
gorithm is tested on SSM/I data, it is also suited for the Tropical Ra
infall Measuring Mission data, which should have a larger dynamic rang
e with 10.7-GHz channels added.