1. Many benefits claimed for episiotomy are not sufficiently proven. I
n recent literature, some of them are questioned and some have been di
sproven. 2. Episiotomy, especially median episiotomy, has a higher ris
k of third-degree lacerations. Mediolateral episiotomy is more often f
ollowed by postpartum pain and impaired wound-healing. 3. Typical, alb
eit rare complications of episiotomy and third-degree lacerations are
incontinence for stool and flatus, and - very seldom - fistula formati
on. 4. Complications of episiotomy as well as the failure to perform a
n episiotomy have had forensic consequences. 5. For good healing of an
episiotomy or a perineal laceration suturing with an adequate techniq
ue and the use of non-reactive suture material is mandatory.