Si. Parker et al., 3D - A PROPOSED NEW ARCHITECTURE FOR SOLID-STATE RADIATION DETECTORS, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 395(3), 1997, pp. 328-343
A proposed new architecture for solid-state radiation detectors using
a three-dimensional array of electrodes that penetrate into the detect
or bulk is described. Proposed fabrication steps are listed. Collectio
n distances and calculated collection times are about one order of mag
nitude less than those of planar technology strip and pixel detectors
with electrodes confined to the detector surface, and depletion voltag
es are about two orders of magnitude lower. Maximum substrate thicknes
s, often an important consideration for X-ray and gamma-ray detection,
is constrained by the electrode length rather than by material purity
or depletion-depth limitations due to voltage breakdown. Maximum drif
t distance should no longer be a significant limitation for GaAs detec
tors fabricated with this technology, and collection times could be mu
ch less than one nanosecond. The ability of silicon detectors to opera
te in the presence of the severe bulk radiation damage expected at hig
h-intensity colliders should also be greatly increased.