Recent research has shown that gaseous induction in adults with sevofl
urane is an acceptable technique. This study was undertaken to assess
if gaseous induction using sevoflurane carried in both oxygen alone, a
nd in nitrous oxide and oxygen combined, would provide acceptable poll
ution levels. As an occupational exposure standard has not been set fo
r sevoflurane, we used the target level of 20 ppm set by the manufactu
rer. Environmental monitoring was carried out in the anaesthetic room
during eight lists where consecutive triple vital capacity sevoflurane
inductions were performed. Time-weighted averages for both gases over
the duration of the lists were well below the occupational exposure s
tandards (mean 1.1 (range 0.6-1.7) for sevoflurane and 17.3 (12-23) fo
r nitrous oxide). There were high peak concentrations during the induc
tion process (8.3 (4.1-17) for sevoflurane and 172.4 (65-310) for nitr
ous oxide) although these decreased to low concentrations between anae
sthetic inductions. Personal sampling was carried out from the anaesth
etist's breathing zone and concentrations were also low (1.2 (0.8-2.1)
for sevoflurane and 45.9 (10.1-261.6) for nitrous oxide.