A Love wave acoustic device has been utilized for monitoring antibody-
antigen immunoreactions in aqueous solutions in real time. High sensit
ivity and selectivity are achieved. In this study, sheep IgG is immobi
lized on the device surface as a receptor layer for detection of anti-
sheep IgG in buffer solution. The kinetics of the antibody-antigen bin
ding are investigated by monitoring the frequency change against react
ion time for a wide range of antibody concentrations. A general analyt
ic expression for the frequency against time and antibody concentratio
ns is derived. A response to a concentration of 1 ng ml(-1) is unambig
uously detected. A dual-channel delay-line configuration, with one cha
nnel for sensing and the other as reference, is used to give a compari
son of specific and non-specific responses as well as to reduce the te
mperature effects. The Love wave sensor is robust, reliable and reusab
le many times.