The abandonment of motivational concepts in personal construct theory
paves the way for the metatheoretical principles of constructivism: a
cognitivist mode of explanation, a constructivist epistemology, a view
of the person as autonomous agent, and an anti-realist ontology. Each
of these is unsustainable. A nonmotivational find purely cognitive fo
rm of explanation is deficient, and dependence on the idea of voluntar
y agency to redress this deficiency results in explanatory regress. Bo
th the constructivist theory of indirect knowledge (which is necessari
ly representationist) and the anti-realist ontology it entails are inc
oherent and self-defeating. Taken as a general metatheory, constructiv
ism fails. However, constructivist theory and practice are of value wh
en taken as a psychological approach that encourages self-reflection a
nd tolerance and that examines the structures of knowledge and their r
ole in the determination of action.