Animal excreta contain several nutrients which can be recycled; Coprop
hagy has been recognised as a normal physiological phenomenon in rabbi
ts and rodents and is natural in many wild and domestic species. Inter
esting research in the field of determination of feed value and refeed
ing of animal excreta has been done during the last 30 years. The pape
r summarizes results on chemical, composition and digestibility of exc
reta. Apart from proximate composition, contents of amino acids, miner
als, vitamins and antinutritional ingredients of excreta from poultry,
pigs and ruminants have been presented. Possibilities of chemical tre
atments to improve the feeding value of excreta are demonstrated. Feed
ing of excreta from poultry, pigs and cattle to growing cattle is the
other main topic of the review. Finally the influence of excreta feedi
ng on quality of animal products is discussed.