Four time-dependent greenhouse warming experiments were performed with
the same global coupled atmosphere-ocean model, but with each simulat
ion using initial conditions from different ''snapshots'' of the contr
ol run climate. The radiative forcing - the increase in equivalent CO2
concentrations from 19852035 specified in the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC) scenario A - was identical in all four 50-ye
ar integrations. This approach to climate change experiments is called
the Monte Carlo technique and is analogous to a similar experimental
set-up used in the field of extended range weather forecasting. Despit
e the limitation of a very small sample size, this approach enables th
e estimation of both a mean response and the ''between-experiment'' va
riability, information which is not available from a single integratio
n. The use of multiple realizations provides insights into the stabili
ty of the response, both spatially, seasonally and in terms of differe
nt climate variables. The results indicate that the time evolution of
the global mean warming signal is strongly dependent on the initial st
ate of the climate system. While the individual members of the ensembl
e show considerable variation in the pattern and amplitude of near-sur
face temperature change after 50 years, the ensemble mean climate chan
ge pattern closely resembles that obtained in a 100-year integration p
erformed with the same model. In global mean terms, the climate change
signals for near surface temperature, the hydrological. cycle and sea
level significantly exceed the variability among the members of the e
nsemble. Due to the high internal variability of the modelled climate
system, the estimated detection time of the global mean temperature ch
ange signal is uncertain by at least one decade. While the ensemble me
an surface temperature and sea level fields show regionally significan
t responses to greenhouse-gas forcing, it is not possible to identify
a significant response in the precipitation and soil moisture fields,
variables which are spatially noisy and characterized by large variabi
lity between the individual integrations.