Issn      Titolo                                                                                                Annate Disponibili
--------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
0951-0079 *Abstracts of working papers in economics                                                             1992
0001-6373 *Acta oeconomica                                                                                      1992
0001-6993 *Acta sociologica (Trykt utg.)                                                                        1992
0335-5322 *Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales                                                           1992
0567-932X *Adelphi papers                                                                                       1992
0001-8392 *Administrative science quarterly                                                                     1992
0850-3907 *Africa development                                                                                   1992
0001-9720 *Africa (London. 1928)                                                                                1992
0002-0478 *Afrique contemporaine                                                                                1992
0888-3785 *AI Expert                                                                                            1992
0951-5666 *AI & society                                                                                         1992
0002-7294 *American anthropologist                                                                              1992
0002-8282 The *American economic review                                                                         1992
0002-9092 *American journal of agricultural economics                                                           1992
0002-9602 *American journal of sociology                                                                        1992
0003-0554 The *American political science review                                                                1992
0003-1224 *American sociological review                                                                         1992
0003-1232 The *American sociologist                                                                             1992
0044-8141 *Amministrare (Milano)                                                                                1992
0153-9841 *Analyse financiere                                                                                   1992
          *Analysis of the Maastricht treaty                                                                    1992
0769-489X *Annales d'économie et de statistique                                                                 1992
0379-3699 *Annales de l'économie publique, sociale et coopérative                                               1992
          *Annales of tourisme research                                                                         1992
0391-6642 *Annali della pubblica istruzione                                                                     1992
0066-2291 *Annals of clinical research. Supplement                                                              1992
0002-7162 The *Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science                                   1992
0066-2399 L'*Année sociologique [1940]                                                                          1992
0003-603X *Antitrust bulletin                                                                                   1992
0003-6846 *Applied economics (Print)                                                                            1992
0960-3107 *Applied financial economics (Print)                                                                  1992
0035-9254 *Applied statistics (Print)                                                                           1992
0003-9756 *Archives européennes de sociologie                                                                   1992
0095-327X *Armed forces and society                                                                             1992
0197-4254 *Atlantic economic journal                                                                            1992
0004-900X *Australian economic papers                                                                           1992
0392-2278 *Autonomie locali e servizi sociali                                                                   1992
0045-3102 *British journal of social work                                                                       1992
0007-1315 The *British journal of sociology                                                                     1992
0007-2303 *Brookings papers on economic activity                                                                1992
0007-4624 *Bulletin for international fiscal documentation                                                      1992
0307-3378 *Bulletin of economic research                                                                        1992
0955-6419 *Business strategy review (Print)                                                                     1992
0008-1256 *California management review                                                                         1992
0309-166X *Cambridge journal of economics                                                                       1992
0008-4085 The *Canadian journal of economics                                                                    1992
0309-8168 *Capital and class                                                                                    1992
0167-2231 *Carnegie-Rochester conference series on public policy                                                1992
1128-9163 *CENSIS note e commenti                                                                               1992
0251-2920 *CEPAL review (Print)                                                                                 1992
0009-1049 *Challenge                                                                                            1992
0145-2134 *Child abuse and neglect                                                                              1992
0364-0213 *Cognitive science                                                                                    1992
0180-8214 *Commentaire (Revue)                                                                                  1992
1351-4393 *Communist economies and economic transformation                                                      1992
0010-3802 *Community development journal                                                                        1992
0888-7233 *Comparative economic studies                                                                         1992
0392-8667 *Comunicazioni sociali                                                                                1992
1043-4062 *Constitutional political economy                                                                     1992
0268-4160 *Continuity and change                                                                                1992
0277-5921 *Contributions to political economy                                                                   1992
0010-8367 *Cooperation and conflict                                                                             1992
0011-1287 *Crime and delinquency                                                                                1992
0390-0657 *Critica del diritto (Torino)                                                                         1992
0011-152X *Critica marxista (Roma)                                                                              1992
0011-1546 La *Critica sociologica                                                                               1992
0011-3204 *Current anthropology                                                                                 1992
0011-3921 *Current sociology                                                                                    1992
0011-4294 *Cycles (Pittsburgh)                                                                                  1992
0950-1991 *Development                                                                                          1992
0012-155X *Development and change                                                                               1992
0352-7670 *Development and South-South cooperation                                                              1992
0950-6764 *Development policy review                                                                            1992
0378-7931 *Déviance et société                                                                                  1992
0251-9518 *Disarmament                                                                                          1992
0012-3846 *Dissent                                                                                              1992
0012-8775 *Eastern European economics                                                                           1992
0888-3254 *Eastern European politics and societies                                                              1992
0921-8009 *Ecological economics                                                                                 1992
0012-9682 *Econometrica                                                                                         1992
0747-4938 *Econometric reviews                                                                                  1992
0266-4666 *Econometric theory                                                                                   1992
0013-0427 *Economica (London. Print)                                                                            1992
0013-0079 *Economic development and cultural change                                                             1992
0013-0117 The *Economic history review                                                                          1992
0095-2583 *Economic inquiry                                                                                     1992
0013-0133 The *Economic journal                                                                                 1992
0266-4658 *Economic policy                                                                                      1992
0013-0249 The *Economic record                                                                                  1992
0266-2671 *Economics and philosophy                                                                             1992
0954-1985 *Economics and politics                                                                               1992
0165-1765 *Economics letters                                                                                    1992
0013-0451 *Economics of planning                                                                                1992
0557-109X The *Economic studies quarterly                                                                       1992
0953-5314 *Economic systems research                                                                            1992
0013-0494 *Economie appliquée                                                                                   1992
0249-4744 *Economie et prévision                                                                                1992
0336-1454 *Economie et statistique                                                                              1992
0013-0559 *Economie rurale                                                                                      1992
0013-0613 *Economist (London)                                                                                   1992
0261-3794 *Electoral studies                                                                                    1992
0140-9883 *Energy economics                                                                                     1992
0013-9165 *Environment and behavior                                                                             1992
1180-4009 *EnvironMetrics (London. Ont.)                                                                        1992
0014-1828 *Ethnology                                                                                            1992
0014-2123 *Etudes internationales                                                                               1992
0014-2921 *European economic review                                                                             1992
0267-3231 *European journal of communication                                                                    1992
0176-2680 *European journal of political economy                                                                1992
0046-2772 *European journal of social psychology                                                                1992
0193-841X *Evaluation review                                                                                    1992
0197-6664 *Family relations                                                                                     1992
0736-1718 *Family systems medicine                                                                              1992
1824-4963 *Filosofia e teologia                                                                                 1992
0015-198X *Financial analysts journal                                                                           1992
0015-2218 *Finanzarchiv                                                                                         1992
0242-5599 *Fiscalité européenne                                                                                 1992
0143-5671 *Fiscal studies                                                                                       1992
0015-7120 *Foreign affairs                                                                                      1992
          *Formazione professionale                                                                             1992
0899-8256 *Games and economic behavior (Print)                                                                  1992
1720-4321 *Giornale di diritto del lavoro e di relazioni industriali                                            1992
0390-5349 *Giornale italiano di psicologia (Testo stampato)                                                     1992
0390-2269 *Giurisprudenza commerciale                                                                           1992
          *Golem (Roma)                                                                                         1992
0017-257X *Government and opposition                                                                            1992 1993
0017-8012 *Harvard business review                                                                              1992
0017-8055 *Harvard educational review                                                                           1992
0018-2702 *History of political economy                                                                         1992
0167-2533 *Human systems management                                                                             1992
0265-5012 *IDS Bulletin [1984]                                                                                  1992
0018-9731 *Ifo studien                                                                                          1992
0019-1744 *Ikon                                                                                                 1992
0046-8819 *Inchiesta                                                                                            1992
0539-0184 *Information sur les sciences sociales (Paris)                                                        1992
0391-6812 *Informazione bibliografica (Bologna)                                                                 1992
0020-5850 *International affairs (London. 1944. Print)                                                          1992
1052-9187 *International contributions to labour studies                                                        1992
0020-6490 *International currency review                                                                        1992
0020-6598 *International economic review                                                                        1992
0020-7152 *International journal of comparative sociology                                                       1992
0169-2070 *International journal of forecasting                                                                 1992
0020-7276 *International journal of game theory                                                                 1992
0020-7314 *International journal of health services                                                             1992
0167-7187 *International journal of industrial organization                                                     1992
0190-0692 *International journal of public administration                                                       1992
0309-1317 *International journal of urban and regional research                                                 1992
0020-7780 *International labour review (Print)                                                                  1992
0020-8183 *International organization (Print)                                                                   1992
0192-5121 *International political science review                                                               1992
0020-8523 *International review of administrative sciences                                                      1992
0269-2171 *International review of applied economics                                                            1992
0020-8590 *International review of social history                                                               1992
0162-2889 *International security                                                                               1992
0268-5809 *International sociology                                                                              1992
0922-1425 *Japan and the world economy                                                                          1992
0021-3624 *JEI. Journal of economic issues                                                                      1992
0021-8537 The *Journal of African history                                                                       1992
0021-857X *Journal of agricultural economics                                                                    1992
0883-7252 *Journal of applied econometrics                                                                      1992
0378-4266 *Journal of banking and finance                                                                       1992
0021-9398 The *Journal of business                                                                              1992
0021-9886 *Journal of Common Market studies                                                                     1992
0147-5967 *Journal of comparative economics                                                                     1992
0022-0027 The *Journal of conflict resolution                                                                   1992
0304-3878 *Journal of development economics                                                                     1992
0022-0388 *Journal of development studies                                                                       1992
0304-4076 *Journal of econometrics                                                                              1992
0167-2681 *Journal of economic behavior and organization                                                        1992
0165-1889 *Journal of economic dynamics and control                                                             1992
0022-0515 *Journal of economic literature                                                                       1992
0895-3309 The *Journal of economic perspectives                                                                 1992
0144-3585 *Journal of economic studies [1974]                                                                   1992
0950-0804 *Journal of economic surveys                                                                          1992
0022-0531 *Journal of economic theory                                                                           1992
0095-0696 *Journal of environmental economics and management                                                    1992
0301-4797 *Journal of environmental management                                                                  1992
0272-4944 *Journal of environmental psychology                                                                  1992
0022-1082 The *Journal of finance                                                                               1992
0022-1090 *Journal of financial and quantitative analysis                                                       1992
0304-405X *Journal of financial economics                                                                       1992
1042-9573 *Journal of financial intermediation (Print)                                                          1992
0920-8550 *Journal of financial services research                                                               1992
0022-1465 *Journal of health and social behavior                                                                1992
1051-1377 *Journal of housing economics                                                                         1992
0022-1821 The *Journal of industrial economics                                                                  1992
0260-1079 *Journal of interdisciplinary economics                                                               1992
0022-197X *Journal of international affairs                                                                     1992
0022-1996 *Journal of international economics (Print)                                                           1992
0734-306X *Journal of labor economics                                                                           1992
0022-2186 The *Journal of law and economics                                                                     1992
0047-2530 The *Journal of legal studies                                                                         1992
0164-0704 *Journal of macroeconomics                                                                            1992
0022-2445 *Journal of marriage and the family                                                                   1992
0304-4068 *Journal of mathematical economics                                                                    1992
0022-278X The *Journal of modern African studies                                                                1992
0304-3932 *Journal of monetary economics (Print)                                                                1992
0022-2879 *Journal of money, credit and banking                                                                 1992
0022-3433 *Journal of peace research                                                                            1992
0306-6150 The *Journal of peasant studies                                                                       1992
0276-8739 *Journal of policy analysis and management                                                            1992
0161-8938 *Journal of policy modeling                                                                           1992
0022-3808 The *Journal of political economy                                                                     1992
0095-4918 The *Journal of portfolio management                                                                  1992
0160-3477 *Journal of post keynesian economics                                                                  1992
0047-2727 *Journal of public economics                                                                          1992
0143-814X *Journal of public policy                                                                             1992
0922-680X *Journal of regulatory economics                                                                      1992
0022-4537 The *Journal of social issues                                                                         1992
0047-2794 *Journal of social policy                                                                             1992
0305-7070 *Journal of Southern African studies                                                                  1992
0889-1583 *Journal of the Japanese and international economies                                                  1992
0964-1998 *Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, Statistics in society                            1992
0035-9246 *Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Methodological                                   1992
0143-9782 *Journal of time series analysis                                                                      1992
0047-2875 *Journal of Travel research                                                                           1992
0094-1190 *Journal of urban economics                                                                           1992
1011-6702 *Journal of world trade                                                                               1992
0022-6785 The *Juridical review                                                                                 1992
0022-9709 *Keio economic studies                                                                                1992
0023-2653 *Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie                                              1992
0023-5962 *Kyklos (Basel)                                                                                       1992
0023-656X *Labor history                                                                                        1992
0023-7639 *Land economics                                                                                       1992
0023-8791 *Latin American research review                                                                       1992
1120-947X *Lavoro e diritto                                                                                     1992
0149-0400 *Leisure sciences                                                                                     1992
0261-4367 *Leisure studies (Print)                                                                              1992
0705-3436 *Loisir et société                                                                                    1992
          *LS. Lavoro e sindacato                                                                               1992
0025-1496 *Man                                                                                                  1992
0025-1909 *Management science                                                                                   1992
0025-2034 The *Manchester school of economic and social studies                                                 1992
0165-4896 *Mathematical social sciences                                                                         1992
1035-3704 The *Middle east business and economic review                                                         1992
0026-9611 *Moneta e credito                                                                                     1992
0027-3120 Il *Mulino                                                                                            1992
0149-1598 *NACLA report on the Americas (1977)                                                                  1992
0027-9501 *National Institute Economic review                                                                   1992
0884-9382 The *National interest                                                                                1992
0028-0283 *National Tax Journal                                                                                 1992
0924-1477 The *Netherlands' journal of social sciences                                                          1992
0028-6060 *New left review                                                                                      1992
0028-7873 *New York University journal of international law & politics                                          1992
1120-298X *Nomos. Le attualità nel diritto                                                                      1992
0376-6438 *OECD. Economic surveys (Print)                                                                       1992
0305-0483 *Omega (Oxford)                                                                                       1992
0030-4387 *Orbis                                                                                                1992
0305-9049 *Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics                                                          1992
0030-7653 *Oxford economic papers                                                                               1992
0266-903X *Oxford review of economic policy                                                                     1992
0008-4697 *Peace research                                                                                       1992
0031-4846 Il *Pensiero politico                                                                                 1992
0032-2687 *Policy sciences                                                                                      1992
0278-4416 *Policy studies review                                                                                1992
0032-3063 *Politica del diritto                                                                                 1992
0394-8358 *Politica del turismo                                                                                 1992
0391-2264 *Politica ed economia [1970]                                                                          1992
0032-3101 *Politica internazionale                                                                              1992
0032-3195 *Political science quarterly                                                                          1992
0394-7475 *Politiche del lavoro                                                                                 1992
0032-325X Il *Politico (Pavia)                                                                                  1992
          *Politics                                                                                             1992
0244-7827 *Politique africaine (Paris)                                                                          1992
0221-2781 *Politique internationale (Paris. 1978)                                                               1992
0032-4663 *Population (Ed. française)                                                                           1992
0032-4728 *Population studies                                                                                   1992
0152-0768 *Pouvoirs                                                                                             1992
0391-2655 *Problemi di amministrazione pubblica                                                                 1992
0032-941X *Problems of communism                                                                                1992
0048-5691 *Psicologia e lavoro                                                                                  1992
1049-0965 *PS, political science & politics                                                                     1992
0048-5829 *Public choice                                                                                        1992
0033-3476 *Public finance (Amsterdam)                                                                           1992
0033-3565 *Public law                                                                                           1992
0033-362X *Public opinion quarterly                                                                             1992
1592-5277 *Qas. Quaderni di Azione sociale                                                                      1992
0392-6664 *Quaderni costituzionali                                                                              1992
1593-8573 *Quaderni di diritto del lavoro e delle relazioni industriali                                         1992
0033-4952 *Quaderni di sociologia (Testo stampato)                                                              1992
0162-0436 *Qualitative sociology                                                                                1992
0033-5177 *Quality and quantity                                                                                 1992
0033-5533 The *Quarterly journal of economics                                                                   1992
0005-4607 *Quarterly review. Banca Nazionale del Lavoro                                                         1992
1720-4518 *Questione giustizia (Testo stampato)                                                                 1992
0306-3968 *Race and class                                                                                       1992
0741-6261 The *Rand journal of economics                                                                        1992
0033-9601 *Rassegna di servizio sociale                                                                         1992
0486-0349 *Rassegna italiana di sociologia                                                                      1992
0771-677X *Recherches sociologiques (Louvain-la-Neuve)                                                          1992
0034-3404 *Regional studies                                                                                     1992
0335-2013 *Relations internationales                                                                            1992
0034-3846 *Relazioni internazionali                                                                             1992
0394-9397 *Religioni e Società (Napoli. Testo stampato)                                                         1992
0164-0275 *Research on aging                                                                                    1992
0486-4700 *Res publica                                                                                          1992
0034-6535 The *Review of economics and statistics                                                               1992
0260-2105 *Review of international studies (Print)                                                              1992
0484-6958 *Revista de desarrollo economico                                                                      1992
0048-7694 *Revista de estudios políticos                                                                        1992
0035-0672 La *Revue administrative (Paris)                                                                      1992
0373-2630 *Revue d'économie politique                                                                           1992
0035-1733 *Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé                                                1992
0048-8003 *Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine [1954]                                                     1992
0703-6337 *Revue d'intégration européenne                                                                       1992
0035-2616 *Revue du Marché Commun                                                                               1992
0035-2616 *Revue du Marché Commun et de l'Union Européenne                                                      1992
0035-2950 *Revue francaise de science politique                                                                 1992
0035-2969 *Revue française de sociologie                                                                        1992
0035-3264 *Revue historique                                                                                     1992
0304-3037 *Revue internationale des sciences sociales                                                           1992
1128-8744 *Ricerca (Roma)                                                                                       1992
0394-2287 *Rivista giuridica dell'ambiente (Testo stampato)                                                     1992
0035-6980 *Rivista militare                                                                                     1992
0391-190X *Rivista trimestrale di scienza della amministrazione (Testo stampato)                                1992
0956-7933 *Rural history                                                                                        1992
0036-0112 *Rural sociology                                                                                      1992
0036-0775 *SAIS review                                                                                          1992
0379-3664 *Schweizerische zeitschrift für soziologie                                                            1992
0303-9692 *Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Volkswirtschaft und Statistik                                         1992
0019-848X *Sloan management review                                                                              1992
0303-8300 *Social indicators research                                                                           1992
0378-8733 *Social networks                                                                                      1992
0144-5596 *Social policy and administration                                                                     1992
0037-7791 *Social problems                                                                                      1992
0190-2725 *Social psychology quarterly                                                                          1992
0037-783X *Social research                                                                                      1992
0894-4393 *Social science computer review                                                                       1992
0391-6987 *Società e storia                                                                                     1992
0765-3697 *Sociétés (Paris)                                                                                     1992
1121-1733 *Sociologia della comunicazione                                                                       1992
0392-5048 *Sociologia del lavoro                                                                                1992
1121-1148 *Sociologia e ricerca sociale                                                                         1992
0038-0199 *Sociologia ruralis                                                                                   1992
0049-1225 *Sociológia (Tlacené vydanie)                                                                         1992
0392-4939 *Sociologia urbana e rurale                                                                           1992
0038-0245 *Sociological inquiry                                                                                 1992
0081-1750 *Sociological methodology                                                                             1992
0038-0253 *Sociological quarterly                                                                               1992
0038-0261 The *Sociological review                                                                              1992
0735-2751 *Sociological theory                                                                                  1992
0038-0296 *Sociologie du travail                                                                                1992
0141-9889 *Sociology of health and illness                                                                      1992
0038-5859 *Soviet studies                                                                                       1992
0343-4109 *Soziologische Revue                                                                                  1992
0392-9701 *Stato e mercato                                                                                      1992
0391-2248 *Storia urbana                                                                                        1992
0954-349X *Structural change and economic dynamics                                                              1992
0770-2965 *Studia diplomatica (Imprimé)                                                                         1992
0039-291X *Studi di sociologia                                                                                  1992
0092-055X *Teaching sociology                                                                                   1992
0391-2868 *Terapia familiare                                                                                    1992
0040-5833 *Theory and decision (Print)                                                                          1992
0304-2421 *Theory and society                                                                                   1992
0772-7674 *Tijdschrift voor economie en management                                                              1992
0041-1868 Le *Travail humain                                                                                    1992
0393-408X *Trimestre                                                                                            1992
0041-3011 El *Trimestre económico                                                                               1992
0392-5005 *Urbanistica informazioni                                                                             1992
0042-0980 *Urban studies                                                                                        1992
0042-4498 Die *Verwaltung                                                                                       1992
0957-8765 *Voluntas (Manchester)                                                                                1992
0163-660X The *Washington quarterly                                                                             1992
0730-8884 *Work and occupations                                                                                 1992
0267-8373 *Work and stress                                                                                      1992
0950-0170 *Work, employment and society (Print)                                                                 1992