Results: 1-1    


*Late imperial China (Online)

Johns Hopkins University Press
Results: 1

Le riviste con collocazione "Riario", "Filopanti", "Baratta" e "Redenti" sono disponibili su prenotazione
Holdings 1: 1965-2000;
Holdings detail: Disponibile dal 01/09/1965 al 31/12/2000.
(Authorized users only)
Last update holding 2024
Holdings 2: 1985-
Holdings detail: Disponibile dal 01/06/1985 volume 6 fascicolo 1.
(Authorized users only)
Last update holding 2024
Holdings 3: 1996-
(Authorized users only)
The issues of last 12 months are not available
Last update holding 2024
Holdings 4: 2002-
FULL TEXTProQuest One Literature
(Authorized users only)
The issues of last 12 months are not available
Last update holding 2024
Holdings 5: 2002-
FULL TEXTProQuest Central
(Authorized users only)
The issues of last 12 months are not available
Last update holding 2024

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