Results: 1-1    


*Oceanic linguistics (Online)

Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Department of Anthropology.;University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Department of Linguistics.
Dept. of Anthropology, Southern Illinois University
Results: 1

Holdings 1: 1962-
(Authorized users only)
The issues of last 48 months are not available
Last update holding 2023
Holdings 2: 1985-2000;1962-1983;
(Authorized users only)
Notes: Disponibile dal 01/01/1985 al 31/12/2000. Disponibile dal 01/07/1962 al 31/12/1983.
Last update holding 2023
Holdings 3: 2001-
(Authorized users only)
The issues of last 12 months are not available
Last update holding 2023

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