Results: << | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | >>

Table of contents of journal: *Journal of applied econometrics

Results: 176-200/1417

Authors: Anundsen, André K.
Citation: K. Anundsen, André, Econometric regime shifts and the US subprime bubble , Journal of applied econometrics , 30(2), 2015, pp. 145-169

Authors: Montmarquette, Claude Monty, Luc
Citation: Montmarquette, Claude et Monty, Luc, An empirical model of a household's choice of activities, Journal of applied econometrics , 2(2), 1987, pp. 145-158

Authors: Patton, Andrew J.
Citation: J. Patton, Andrew, Estimation of multivariate models for time series of possibly different lengths, Journal of applied econometrics , 21(2), 2006, pp. 147-173

Authors: Smith, Vanessa L. Leybourne, Stephen Kim, Tae-Hwan Newbold, Paul
Citation: L. Smith, Vanessa et al., More powerful panel data unit root tests with an application to mean reversion in real exchange rates, Journal of applied econometrics , 19(2), 2004, pp. 147-170

Authors: Cornwell, Christopher Rupert, Peter
Citation: Cornwell, Christopher et Rupert, Peter, Efficient Estimation with panel data: an empirical comparison of instrumental variables estimators, Journal of applied econometrics , 3(2), 1988, pp. 149-155

Authors: Otrok, Christopher Ravikumar, B. Whiteman, Charles H.
Citation: Otrok, Christopher et al., Evaluating asset-pricing models using the hansen-jagannathan bound: a Monte Carlo investigation, Journal of applied econometrics , 17(2), 2002, pp. 149-174

Authors: Dionne, G. Vanasse, C.
Citation: G. Dionne, et C. Vanasse,, Automobile insurance ratemaking in the presence of asymmetrical information, Journal of applied econometrics , 7(2), 1992, pp. 149-165

Authors: Landesmann, M. Snell, A.
Citation: M. Landesmann, et A. Snell,, Structural shifts in the manufacturing export performance of OECD economies, Journal of applied econometrics , 8(2), 1993, pp. 149-162

Authors: Drakos, Konstantinos Konstantinou, Panagiotis Th.
Citation: Drakos, Konstantinos et Konstantinou, Panagiotis Th, Investment decisions in manufacturing: assessing the effects of real oil prices and their uncertainty, Journal of applied econometrics , 28(1), 2013, pp. 151-165

Authors: Harding, Don Pagan, Adrian
Citation: Harding, Don et Pagan, Adrian, A suggested framework for classifying the modes of cycle research, Journal of applied econometrics , 20(2), 2005, pp. 151-159

Authors: De Haan, Monique Plug, Erik
Citation: De Haan, Monique et Plug, Erik, Estimating intergenerational schooling mobility on censored samples: consequences and remedies, Journal of applied econometrics , 26(1), 2011, pp. 151-166

Authors: Alessie, Rob Gradus, Raymond Melenberg, Bertrand
Citation: Alessie, Rob et al., The problem of not observing small expenditures in a consumer expenditure survey, Journal of applied econometrics , 5(2), 1990, pp. 151-166

Authors: Anderson, G.J.
Citation: Anderson, G.j, Expenditure allocation across nondurables, services, durables and savings: an empirical study of separability in the long run, Journal of applied econometrics , 6(2), 1991, pp. 153-168

Authors: Jones, Andrew M. Labeaga, Josè M.
Citation: M. Jones, Andrew et M. Labeaga, Josè, Individual heterogeneity and censoring in panel data estimates of tobacco expenditure, Journal of applied econometrics , 18(2), 2003, pp. 157-177

Authors: De Nicolò, Gianni Lucchetta, Marcella
Citation: De Nicolò, Gianni et Lucchetta, Marcella, Forecasting tail risks, Journal of applied econometrics , 32(1), 2017, pp. 159-170

Authors: Alaouze, Chris M.
Citation: M. Alaouze, Chris, Empirical evidence on the sign of the slope of the hazard rate from unemployment from a fixed effects model, Journal of applied econometrics , 2(2), 1987, pp. 159-168

Authors: Petit, Maria Luisa
Citation: Petit, Maria Luisa, Fiscal and monetary policy co-ordination: a differential game approach, Journal of applied econometrics , 4(2), 1989, pp. 161-179

Authors: Mackinnon, James G. Nielsen, Morten Ørregaard
Citation: G. Mackinnon, James et Nielsen, Morten Ørregaard, Numerical distribution functions of fractional unit root and cointegration tests, Journal of applied econometrics , 29(1), 2014, pp. 161-171

Authors: Smets, Frank Wouters, Raf
Citation: Smets, Frank et Wouters, Raf, Comparing shocks and frictions in US and Euro area business cycles: a bayesian DSGE approach, Journal of applied econometrics , 20(2), 2005, pp. 161-183

Authors: Lee, Jaejoon Nelson, Charles R.
Citation: Lee, Jaejoon et R. Nelson, Charles, Expectation horizon and the Phillips curve: the solution to an empirical puzzle, Journal of applied econometrics , 22(1), 2007, pp. 161-178

Authors: Kugler, P. Neusser, K.
Citation: P. Kugler, et K. Neusser,, International eal interest rate equalization: a multivariate time-series approach, Journal of applied econometrics , 8(2), 1993, pp. 163-174

Authors: Porro, Giuseppe Iacus, Stefano Maria
Citation: Porro, Giuseppe et Iacus, Stefano Maria, Random recursive partitioning: a matching method for the estimation of the average treatment effect, Journal of applied econometrics , 24(1), 2009, pp. 163-185

Authors: Hall, S.G. Henry, S.G.B. Johns, C.B.
Citation: Hall, S.g et al., Forecasting with an econometric model: some recent results using the national institute model, Journal of applied econometrics , 1(2), 1986, pp. 163-183

Authors: Ando, Tomohiro Bai, Jushan
Citation: Ando, Tomohiro et Bai, Jushan, Panel data models with grouped factor structure under unknown group membership, Journal of applied econometrics , 31(1), 2016, pp. 163-191

Authors: Cohen-Cole, Ethan Liu, Xiaodong Zenou, Yves
Citation: Cohen-cole, Ethan et al., Multivariate choices and identification of social interactions, Journal of applied econometrics , 33(2), 2018, pp. 165-178
Risultati: << | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | >>