Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-86

Table of contents of journal: *Accounting horizons

Results: 51-75/86

Authors: Means, Kathryn M Kazenski, Paul M
Citation: M. Means, Kathryn et M. Kazenski, Paul, SFAS 91: New Dilemmas, Accounting horizons , 1(4), 1987, pp. 63-67

Authors: Michaelson, Robert H
Citation: H. Michaelson, Robert, Development of an Expert Computer System to Assist in the Classification of Estate Tax Returns, Accounting horizons , 2(4), 1988, pp. 63-70

Authors: O'Keefe, Wm Timothy Wetzel, T Sterling Engstrom, John H
Citation: O'Keefe, Wm Timothy et al., An Examination of the Relations Between Audit Scope and Procedures in Audits of Municipalities, Accounting horizons , 4(4), 1990, pp. 68-77

Authors: Malcom, Robert E
Citation: E. Malcom, Robert, Overhead Control Implications of Activity Costing, Accounting horizons , 5(4), 1991, pp. 69-78

Authors: Scheer, Martha S Scheer, Martha S
Citation: S. Scheer, Martha et S. Scheer, Martha, New Problems for the Unwary in Estate and Gift Tax Valuations: Penalties Under I.R.C. 6660, Accounting horizons , 1(4), 1987, pp. 69-77

Authors: Beresford, Dennis R
Citation: R. Beresford, Dennis, Frustrations of a standards setter, Accounting horizons , 7(4), 1993, pp. 70-76

Authors: Shank, John K Govindarajan, Vijay
Citation: K. Shank, John et Govindarajan, Vijay, The Perils Of Cost Allocation Based On Production Volumes, Accounting horizons , 2(4), 1988, pp. 71-79

Authors: Pany, Kurt Wheeler, Stephen
Citation: Pany, Kurt et Wheeler, Stephen, Materiality: An Inter-Industry Comparison of the Magnitudes and Stabilities of Various Quantitative Measures, Accounting horizons , 3(4), 1989, pp. 71-78

Authors: Leisenring, James J Johnson, L Todd
Citation: J. Leisenring, James et Johnson, L Todd, Accounting research: On the relevance of research to practice, Accounting horizons , 8(4), 1994, pp. 74-79

Authors: Granof, Michael H
Citation: H. Granof, Michael, Privatization: The Road to Federal Regulation of Auditing, Accounting horizons , 6(4), 1992, pp. 76-85

Authors: Schisler, Dan L
Citation: L. Schisler, Dan, Equity, aggressiveness, consensus: A comparison of taxpayers and tax preparers, Accounting horizons , 9(4), 1995, pp. 76-87

Authors: Johnson, L Todd Robbins, Barry P Swieringa, Robert J Weil, Roman L
Citation: Johnson, L Todd et al., Expected values in financial reporting, Accounting horizons , 7(4), 1993, pp. 77-90

Authors: Schroeder, Nicholas Gibson, Charles
Citation: Schroeder, Nicholas et Gibson, Charles, Readability of Management's Discussion and Analysis, Accounting horizons , 4(4), 1990, pp. 78-87

Authors: Wilson, Arlette C Colbert, Janet
Citation: C. Wilson, Arlette et Colbert, Janet, An Analysis of Simple and Rigorous Decision Models as Analytical Procedures, Accounting horizons , 3(4), 1989, pp. 79-83

Authors: Rothkopf, Mitchell Sommerfeld, Ray M
Citation: Rothkopf, Mitchell et M. Sommerfeld, Ray, No More Essay Questions on the Uniform CPA Examination; Statement of Ray M. Sommerfeld, President of the American Accounting Association Before the National Conference on Proposed Changes in the Uniform CPA Examination, Accounting horizons , 1(4), 1987, pp. 79-85

Authors: Minyard, Donald H Tabor, Richard H
Citation: H. Minyard, Donald et H. Tabor, Richard, The Effect of Big Eight Mergers on Auditor Concentration, Accounting horizons , 5(4), 1991, pp. 79-90

Authors: Coughlan, John W
Citation: W. Coughlan, John, Anomalies In Calculating Earnings Per Share, Accounting horizons , 2(4), 1988, pp. 80-88

Authors: Elliott, Robert K Jacobson, Peter D
Citation: K. Elliott, Robert et D. Jacobson, Peter, Costs and benefits of business information disclosure, Accounting horizons , 8(4), 1994, pp. 80-96

Authors: Simmons, John K
Citation: K. Simmons, John, AAA Presidential Address, Accounting horizons , 3(4), 1989, pp. 84-90

Authors: Mulford, Charles W Smith, David B Stout, David E Stone, Mary S Weirich, Thomas R
Citation: W. Mulford, Charles et al., Bridging the Gap Between Accounting Education and Practice: Their SEC Academic Fellow Program, Accounting horizons , 6(4), 1992, pp. 86-92

Authors: Vent, Glenn A Cowling, John F Sevalstad, Suzanne
Citation: A. Vent, Glenn et al., Cash flow comparability: Accounting for long-term debt under SFAS 95, Accounting horizons , 9(4), 1995, pp. 88-96

Authors: Shaub, Michael K
Citation: K. Shaub, Michael, Restructuring the Code of Professional Ethics: A Review of the Anderson Committee Report and its Implications, Accounting horizons , 2(4), 1988, pp. 89-97

Authors: Schipper, Katherine
Citation: Schipper, Katherine, Earnings Management, Accounting horizons , 3(4), 1989, pp. 91-102

Authors: Paul, Jack W Bainbridge, D Raymond
Citation: W. Paul, Jack et Bainbridge, D Raymond, Auditing the Owner/Manager Dominated Entity, Accounting horizons , 5(4), 1991, pp. 91-98

Authors: Sprouse, Robert T
Citation: T. Sprouse, Robert, Commentary on the SEC-FASB Partnership, Accounting horizons , 1(4), 1987, pp. 92-95
Risultati: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-86