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Results: 4

Authors: Benos, PV Gatt, MK Murphy, L Harris, D Barrell, B Ferraz, C Vidal, S Brun, C Demaille, J Cadieu, E Dreano, S Gloux, S Lelaure, V Mottier, S Galibert, F Borkova, D Minana, B Kafatos, FC Bolshakov, S Siden-Kiamos, I Papagiannakis, G Spanos, L Louis, C Madueno, E de Pablos, B Modolell, J Peter, A Schottler, P Werner, M Mourkioti, F Beinert, N Dowe, G Schafer, U Jackle, H Bucheton, A Callister, D Campbell, L Henderson, NS McMillan, PJ Salles, C Tait, E Valenti, P Saunders, RDC Billaud, A Pachter, L Glover, DM Ashburner, M
Citation: Pv. Benos et al., From first base: The sequence of the tip of the X chromosome of Drosophilamelanogaster, a comparison of two sequencing strategies, GENOME RES, 11(5), 2001, pp. 710-730

Authors: Nijtmans, LGJ Henderson, NS Attardi, G Holt, LJ
Citation: Lgj. Nijtmans et al., Impaired ATP synthase assembly associated with a mutation in the human ATPsynthase subunit 6 gene, J BIOL CHEM, 276(9), 2001, pp. 6755-6762

Authors: Henderson, NS Nijtmans, LGJ Lindsay, JG Lamantea, E Zeviani, M Holt, LJ
Citation: Ns. Henderson et al., Separation of intact pyruvate dehydrogenase complex using blue native agarose gel electrophoresis, ELECTROPHOR, 21(14), 2000, pp. 2925-2931

Authors: Benos, PV Gatt, MK Ashburner, M Murphy, L Harris, D Barrell, B Ferraz, C Vidal, S Brun, C Demailles, J Cadieu, E Dreano, S Gloux, S Lelaure, V Mottier, S Galibert, F Borkova, D Minana, B Kafatos, FC Louis, C Siden-Kiamos, I Bolshakov, S Papagiannakis, G Spanos, L Cox, S Madueno, E de Pablos, B Modolell, J Peter, A Schottler, P Werner, M Mourkioti, F Beinert, N Dowe, G Schafer, U Jackle, H Bucheton, A Callister, DM Campbell, LA Darlamitsou, A Henderson, NS McMillan, PJ Salles, C Tait, EA Valenti, P Saunders, RDC Glover, DM
Citation: Pv. Benos et al., From sequence to chromosome: The tip of the X chromosome of D. melanogaster, SCIENCE, 287(5461), 2000, pp. 2220-2222
Risultati: 1-4 |