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Results: 3

Authors: Yuminov, OA Platonov, SY Eremenko, DO Fotina, OV Fuschini, E Malaguti, F Vannini, G Giardina, G Fazio, G Lamberto, A Taccone, A Moroni, A Fioretto, E Ricci, RA Vannucci, L Palamara, R
Citation: Oa. Yuminov et al., Experimental evidence of shell effects in the fission time of heavy nuclei, J PHYS JPN, 70(3), 2001, pp. 689-695

Authors: Yuminov, OA Platonov, SY Eremenko, DO Fotina, OV Fuschini, E Malaguti, F Giardina, G Ruggeri, R Sturiale, R Moroni, A Fioretto, E Ricci, RA Vannucci, L Vannini, G
Citation: Oa. Yuminov et al., Investigation of shell effects for heavy fissionable nuclei by the blocking technique, NUCL INST B, 164, 2000, pp. 960-964

Authors: Yuminov, OA Platonov, SY Eremenko, DO Fotina, OV Malaguti, F Uguzzoni, A
Citation: Oa. Yuminov et al., Application of the slowing-down method (SDM) to heavy nucleus fission and heavy element synthesis, NUCL INST B, 164, 2000, pp. 968-972
Risultati: 1-3 |