string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1934' AND fasc_issn='00028282' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-27    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/27

Authors: Usher, Abbott Payson
Citation: Usher, Abbott Payson, A liberal theory of constructive statecraft, American economic review , 24(1), 1934, pp. 1-10

Authors: Clark, J.M.
Citation: Clark, J.m, Economics and the national recovery administration, American economic review , 24(1), 1934, pp. 11-25

Authors: Canning, John B. Nelson, E. G.
Citation: B. Canning, John et G. Nelson, E., The relation of budget balancing to economic stabilization: a suggested federal treasuty policy, American economic review , 24(1), 1934, pp. 26-37

Authors: Groves, Harold M. Brandies, Elizabeth
Citation: M. Groves, Harold et Brandies, Elizabeth, Econoic bases of the wisconsin unemployment reserves act, American economic review , 24(1), 1934, pp. 38-52

Authors: Sundelson, J. Wilner
Citation: Sundelson, J. Wilner, The emergency budget of the federal governament, American economic review , 24(1), 1934, pp. 53-68

Authors: Crum, W.L.
Citation: Crum, W.l, On the alleged concentration of economic power, American economic review , 24(1), 1934, pp. 69-88

Authors: Snyder, Carl
Citation: Snyder, Carl, On the structure and inertia of prices, American economic review , 24(2), 1934, pp. 187-207

Authors: Currency inflation
Citation: Currency Inflation, Currency inflation: its nature and implication, American economic review , 24(2), 1934, pp. 208-224

Authors: Knight, Frank H.
Citation: H. Knight, Frank, The nature of ecnomic science in some recent disussion, American economic review , 24(2), 1934, pp. 225-238

Authors: Zimmermann, Erich W.
Citation: W. Zimmermann, Erich, The relationship bertween outout of work and economic well-being, American economic review , 24(2), 1934, pp. 239-249

Authors: Grave, Erwin
Citation: Grave, Erwin, Forecasts of the general price level in retrospect, 1919-1931, American economic review , 24(2), 1934, pp. 250-265

Authors: Holloday, James
Citation: Holloday, James, The currency of Canada, American economic review , 24(2), 1934, pp. 266-278

Authors: Snyder, Carl
Citation: Snyder, Carl, Commodity prices versus the general price level, American economic review , 24(3), 1934, pp. 385-400

Authors: Grahm, Frank D. Whittlesey, Cahrles R.
Citation: D. Grahm, Frank et R. Whittlesey, Cahrles, Fluctuating exchange rates, foreing trade and the price level, American economic review , 24(3), 1934, pp. 401-416

Authors: Bittermann, Henry J.
Citation: J. Bittermann, Henry, Elasticity of supply, American economic review , 24(3), 1934, pp. 417-429

Authors: Smith, Lawrence
Citation: Smith, Lawrence, The suspension of the gold standard in raw material exporting countries, American economic review , 24(3), 1934, pp. 430-449

Authors: Blakey, Roy G. Blakey, Gladys C.
Citation: G. Blakey, Roy et C. Blakey, Gladys, The revenue act of 1934, American economic review , 24(3), 1934, pp. 450-461

Authors: Bauder, Russel S.
Citation: S. Bauder, Russel, National collective bargaining in the foundry industry, American economic review , 24(3), 1934, pp. 462-476

Authors: Kessler, William Conard
Citation: Kessler, William Conard, The new german cartel legislation: July 15, 1933, American economic review , 24(3), 1934, pp. 477-482

Authors: Rubner-Peterson, K
Citation: K. Rubner-peterson,, The error in tehe "fundamental equations": a new interpretation, American economic review , 24(4), 1934, pp. 595-602

Authors: Witmer, Richard T.
Citation: T. Witmer, Richard, The concept of property applied by courts in labor cases, American economic review , 24(4), 1934, pp. 603-616

Citation: , How Germany reduced unemployment, American economic review , 24(4), 1934, pp. 617-630

Citation: , The quantity theory and the wwages fund, American economic review , 24(4), 1934, pp. 631-634

Authors: Eiteman, Wilford J.
Citation: J. Eiteman, Wilford, Speculation, bank liquidity and commodity prices, American economic review , 24(4), 1934, pp. 635-645

Authors: Wasserman, Max J. Beach, Frank H.
Citation: J. Wasserman, Max et H. Beach, Frank, Some neglected monetary theories of John Law, American economic review , 24(4), 1934, pp. 646-657
Results: 1-25 | 26-27