string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1935' AND fasc_issn='00028282' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-26    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/26

Authors: Millis, Harry A.
Citation: A. Millis, Harry, The Union in industry: some observations on the theory of collective bargaining, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 1-13

Authors: Clak, J. M.
Citation: M. Clak, J., Comulative effects of changes in aggregate spending as illustrated by public works, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 14-20

Authors: Thomas, Woodlief
Citation: Thomas, Woodlief, Use of credit in security speculation, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 21-30

Authors: Fairchild, Fred Rogers
Citation: Fairchild, Fred Rogers, An analysis of the government's financial reports, with special reference to the deficit, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 31-43

Authors: Nathan, Otto
Citation: Nathan, Otto, The N.I.R.A. and stabilization, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 44-58

Authors: Kleene, G. A.
Citation: A. Kleene, G., The rate of return to capital, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 59-72

Authors: Dixon, F. J.
Citation: J. Dixon, F., Monetary and banking legislation in Canada, 1934, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 73-84

Authors: Fisher, Allan G. B.
Citation: B. Fisher, Allan G., Does an increase in volume of production call for a corresponding increase in volume of money?, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 198-211

Authors: Commons, John R.
Citation: R. Commons, John, Communism and collective democracy, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 212-223

Authors: Gray, Horance M.
Citation: M. Gray, Horance, The allocation of joint costs in multiple-purpose hydro-eletric projects, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 224-235

Authors: Dietrich Ethel B.
Citation: B. Dietrich Ethel, British export credit insurance, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 236-249

Authors: Hopkins, William S.
Citation: S. Hopkins, William, Employment exchanges for seamem, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 250-258

Authors: White, Horace G. Jr
Citation: White, Horace G. Jr, Foreign exchange rates and internal prices under inconvertible paper currencies, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 259-272

Authors: Berglund, Abraham
Citation: Berglund, Abraham, The reciprocal trade agreements act of 1934, American economic review , 25(3), 1935, pp. 411-425

Authors: Pettengill, Robert B.
Citation: B. Pettengill, Robert, The United States foreign trade in copper: 1790-1932, American economic review , 25(2), 1935, pp. 426-441

Authors: Pettengill, Robert B.
Citation: B. Pettengill, Robert, The United States foreign trade in copper: 1790-1932, American economic review , 25(3), 1935, pp. 426-441

Authors: Miller, A. C.
Citation: C. Miller, A., Responsability for federal reserve policies: 1927-1929, American economic review , 25(3), 1935, pp. 442-458

Authors: Machlup, Fritz
Citation: Machlup, Fritz, The rate of interest as cost factor and as capitalization factor, American economic review , 25(3), 1935, pp. 459-465

Authors: Wehrwein, Carl F.
Citation: F. Wehrwein, Carl, How the Wisonsin property tax collections are spent, American economic review , 25(3), 1935, pp. 466-470

Authors: Dempsey, Bernard W
Citation: W. Dempsey, Bernard, Just price in functional economy, American economic review , 25(3), 1935, pp. 471-486

Authors: Mitchell, Wesley C.
Citation: C. Mitchell, Wesley, Commons on intitutinal economics, American economic review , 25(4), 1935, pp. 635-652

Authors: Towle, Lawrence W.
Citation: W. Towle, Lawrence, Time deposits and price stability, 1922-1928, American economic review , 25(4), 1935, pp. 653-660

Authors: Bradford, Frederick A.+
Citation: Bradford, Frederick A.+, The banking act of 1935, American economic review , 25(4), 1935, pp. 661-672

Authors: Blakey, Roy G. Blakey, Gladys C.
Citation: G. Blakey, Roy et C. Blakey, Gladys, The revenue act of 1935, American economic review , 25(4), 1935, pp. 673-690

Authors: Spengler, J. J.
Citation: J. Spengler, J., Malthusianism in late eighteenth century america, American economic review , 25(4), 1935, pp. 691-707
Results: 1-25 | 26-26