string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1936' AND fasc_issn='00028282' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-34    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/34

Authors: Clark, J. M.
Citation: M. Clark, J., Past accomplishments and present prospects of american economics, American economic review , 26(1), 1936, pp. 1-11

Authors: Burns, Eveline M.
Citation: M. Burns, Eveline, The financial aspects of the social security act, American economic review , 26(1), 1936, pp. 12-22

Authors: Montenson, W. P.
Citation: P. Montenson, W., Distribution of milk under public utility regulation, American economic review , 26(1), 1936, pp. 23-40

Authors: Campbell, Earl C.
Citation: C. Campbell, Earl, Separation of sources of state and local tax revenues in California, American economic review , 26(1), 1936, pp. 41-52

Authors: Froman, Lewis A.
Citation: A. Froman, Lewis, Bimetallism-Reconsidered in the light of recent developments, American economic review , 26(1), 1936, pp. 53-61

Authors: Wasserman, Max J.
Citation: J. Wasserman, Max, The compression of French wholesale prices during inflation, 1919-1926, American economic review , 26(1), 1936, pp. 62-73

Authors: Vernon, A. Mund
Citation: Vernon, A. Mund, The financial adjustment in the empirical law of cost, American economic review , 26(1), 1936, pp. 74-80

Authors: Mittelman, E. B.
Citation: B. Mittelman, E., The displacement of workers, 45-64 years of age, American economic review , 26(1), 1936, pp. 81-83

Authors: Hunter, Merlin H.
Citation: H. Hunter, Merlin, Shall We Tax Corporations or Business?, American economic review , 26(1), 1936, pp. 84-89

Authors: Snyder, Carl
Citation: Snyder, Carl, The capital supply and national well-being, American economic review , 26(2), 1936, pp. 195-224

Authors: Hoagland, H. E.
Citation: E. Hoagland, H., Government and the changing mortgage structure, American economic review , 26(2), 1936, pp. 225-234

Authors: Galbraith, J. K. Black, J. D.
Citation: K. Galbraith, J. et D. Black, J., The production credit system of 1933, American economic review , 26(2), 1936, pp. 235-247

Authors: Rogin, Leo
Citation: Rogin, Leo, Davenport on the economics of Alfred Marshall, American economic review , 26(2), 1936, pp. 248-257

Authors: Howard, Stanley E.
Citation: E. Howard, Stanley, The rate base and the depreciation base in recent public utility cases, American economic review , 26(2), 1936, pp. 258-271

Authors: Gilbert, Donald W.
Citation: W. Gilbert, Donald, Foreign trade and exchange stabilization, American economic review , 26(2), 1936, pp. 272-279

Authors: Phepls D.M.
Citation: Phepls D.m, Industrial expansion in temperate South America, American economic review , 26(1), 1936, pp. 273-282

Authors: Troxel, C. Emery
Citation: Troxel, C. Emery, Economic influences of obsolescence, American economic review , 26(2), 1936, pp. 280-290

Authors: Comish, Alison
Citation: Comish, Alison, Capacity to consume, American economic review , 26(2), 1936, pp. 291-295

Authors: Knight, Frank H.
Citation: H. Knight, Frank, Some issues in the economics of stationary states, American economic review , 26(3), 1936, pp. 393-411

Authors: MacDonald, Lois
Citation: Macdonald, Lois, The National Labor Relations act, American economic review , 26(3), 1936, pp. 412-427

Authors: Graham, Frank D.
Citation: D. Graham, Frank, Partial reserve money and the 100 per cent proposal, American economic review , 26(3), 1936, pp. 428-440

Authors: Lewis, Edward E.
Citation: E. Lewis, Edward, Some pre-depression land tenure changes in the South and their current significance, American economic review , 26(3), 1936, pp. 441-450

Authors: Carver, T. N.
Citation: N. Carver, T., The theory of the shortened working week, American economic review , 26(3), 1936, pp. 451-462

Authors: Buder, Russell
Citation: Buder, Russell, The probable incidence of social security taxes, American economic review , 26(3), 1936, pp. 463-465

Authors: Blakey, Roy G. Blakey, Gladys C.
Citation: G. Blakey, Roy et C. Blakey, Gladys, The Revenue Act of 1936, American economic review , 26(3), 1936, pp. 466-482
Results: 1-25 | 26-34