string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1981' AND fasc_issn='03637425' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 50 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-64    

Articles table of contents

Results : 51-64/64

Authors: Norton, Steven D.
Citation: D. Norton, Steven, The Assessment Center Process and Content Validity: A Reply to Dreher and Sackett, Academy of Management review , 6(4), 1981, pp. 561-566

Authors: Sackett, Paul R. Dreher, George F.
Citation: R. Sackett, Paul et F. Dreher, George, Some Misconceptions about Content-Oriented Validation: A Rejoinder to Norton, Academy of Management review , 6(4), 1981, pp. 567-568

Authors: Terborg, James R.
Citation: R. Terborg, James, Interactional Psychology and Research on Human Behavior in Organizations, Academy of Management review , 6(4), 1981, pp. 569-576

Authors: Staw, Barry M.
Citation: M. Staw, Barry, The Escalation of Commitment to a Course of Action, Academy of Management review , 6(4), 1981, pp. 577-587

Authors: Scholl, Richard W.
Citation: W. Scholl, Richard, Differentiating Organizational Commitment from Expectancy as a Motivating Force, Academy of Management review , 6(4), 1981, pp. 589-599

Authors: Jemison, David B.
Citation: B. Jemison, David, The Importance of an Integrative Approach to Strategic Management Research, Academy of Management review , 6(4), 1981, pp. 601-608

Authors: Porter, Michael E.
Citation: E. Porter, Michael, The Contributions of Industrial Organization to Strategic Management, Academy of Management review , 6(4), 1981, pp. 609-620

Authors: Biggadike, E. Ralph
Citation: Biggadike, E. Ralph, The Contributions of Marketing to Strategic Management, Academy of Management review , 6(4), 1981, pp. 621-632

Authors: Jemison, David B.
Citation: B. Jemison, David, The Contributions of Administrative Behavior to Strategic Management, Academy of Management review , 6(4), 1981, pp. 633-642

Authors: Cosier, Richard A.
Citation: A. Cosier, Richard, Dialectical Inquiry in Strategic Planning: A Case of Premature Acceptance?, Academy of Management review , 6(4), 1981, pp. 643-648

Authors: Mitroff, Ian I. Mason, Richard O.
Citation: I. Mitroff, Ian et O. Mason, Richard, The Metaphysics of Policy and Planning: A Reply to Cosier, Academy of Management review , 6(4), 1981, pp. 649-651

Authors: Cosier, Richard A.
Citation: A. Cosier, Richard, Further Thoughts on Dialectical Inquiry: A Rejoinder to Mitroff and Mason, Academy of Management review , 6(4), 1981, pp. 653-654

Authors: Griffin, Ricky W. Welsh, Ann Moorhead, Gregory
Citation: W. Griffin, Ricky et al., Perceived Task Characteristics and Employee Performance: A Literature Review, Academy of Management review , 6(4), 1981, pp. 655-664

Authors: Pearce, Jone L.
Citation: L. Pearce, Jone, Bringing Some Clarity to Role Ambiguity Research, Academy of Management review , 6(4), 1981, pp. 665-674
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-64