string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1986' AND fasc_issn='00031305' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 50 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-68    

Articles table of contents

Results : 51-68/68

Authors: Blom, Gunnar Holsst, Lars
Citation: Blom, Gunnar et Holsst, Lars, Random Walks of Ordered Elements with Applications, American statistician , 40(4), 1986, pp. 271-274

Authors: Pinsker, I. Sh. Kipnis, Victor Grechanovsky, Eugene
Citation: Pinsker, I. Sh et al., A Recursive Formula for the Probability of Occurrence of at Least m out of N Events, American statistician , 40(4), 1986, pp. 275-276

Authors: Broffitt, James D.
Citation: D. Broffitt, James, Zero Correlation, Independence, and Normality, American statistician , 40(4), 1986, pp. 276-277

Authors: Carlstein, E.
Citation: E. Carlstein,, Simultaneous Confidence Regions for Predictions, American statistician , 40(4), 1986, pp. 277-279

Authors: Genest, Christian Mackay, Jock
Citation: Genest, Christian et Mackay, Jock, The Joy of Copulas: Bivariate Distributions with Uniform Marginals, American statistician , 40(4), 1986, pp. 280-283

Authors: Moors, J. J. A.
Citation: A. Moors, J. J., The Meaning of Kurtosis: Darlington Reexamined, American statistician , 40(4), 1986, pp. 283-284

Authors: Dufour, Jean-Marie
Citation: Dufour, Jean-marie, Bias of S^2 in Linear Regressions with Dependent Errors, American statistician , 40(4), 1986, pp. 284-285

Authors: Nedelman, Jerry Wallenius, Ted
Citation: Nedelman, Jerry et Wallenius, Ted, Bernoulli Trials, Poisson Trials, Surprising Variances, and Jensen's Inequality, American statistician , 40(4), 1986, pp. 286-289

Authors: Murray, Leigh W.
Citation: W. Murray, Leigh, Estimation of Missing Cells in Randomized Block and Latin Square Designs, American statistician , 40(4), 1986, pp. 289-293

Authors: Dallal, Gerard E. Wilkinson, Leland
Citation: E. Dallal, Gerard et Wilkinson, Leland, An Analytic Approximation to the Distribution of Lilliefors's Test Statistic for Normality, American statistician , 40(4), 1986, pp. 294-296

Authors: Hawkins, Douglas M. Wixley, R. A. J.
Citation: M. Hawkins, Douglas et J. Wixley, R. A., A Note on the Transformation of Chi-Squared Variables to Normality, American statistician , 40(4), 1986, pp. 296-298

Authors: Gentleman, Jane F.
Citation: F. Gentleman, Jane, New Developments in Statistical Computing, American statistician , 40(4), 1986, pp. 306-309

Authors: Gleser, Leon J.
Citation: J. Gleser, Leon, Some Notes on Refereeing, American statistician , 40(4), 1986, pp. 310-312

Authors: Royall, Richard M.
Citation: M. Royall, Richard, The Effect of Sample Size on the Meaning of Significance Tests, American statistician , 40(4), 1986, pp. 313-315

Authors: Heiny, Robert L. Crosswhite, Carl E.
Citation: L. Heiny, Robert et E. Crosswhite, Carl, Best-Ball Events in Golf: An Application of the Multinomial Distribution, American statistician , 40(4), 1986, pp. 316-317

Authors: Hauck, Walter W. Anderson, Sharon
Citation: W. Hauck, Walter et Anderson, Sharon, A Comparison of Large-Sample Confidence Interval Methods for the Difference of Two Binomial Probabilities, American statistician , 40(4), 1986, pp. 318-322

Authors: Ramsey, Fred L.
Citation: L. Ramsey, Fred, A Fable of PCA, American statistician , 40(4), 1986, pp. 323-324

Authors: Vardeman, Stephen B.
Citation: B. Vardeman, Stephen, The Legitimate Role of Inspection in Modern SQC, American statistician , 40(4), 1986, pp. 325-328
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-68